Understand IBS: an IN-PERSON educational event for patients and clinicians


Understand IBS: an IN-PERSON educational event for patients and clinicians


Understand IBS is an educational (and fun) in-person event for both patients and clinicians featuring scientific evidence and practical tips for effective IBS symptom management. This event will review the role of multidisciplinary care for IBS and tips for finding your “dream team”.

Speakers for this conference include: Dr. Vera Denmark, IBS-expert gastroenterologist, GI dietitian, Kate Scarlata MPH, RDN, GI psychologist, Dr. Megan Riehl, and Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, Dr. Caryn Phillips

The educational sessions will cover the following topics, plus more:

  •  An IBS primer: What is it? When to consider the role of IBS mimickers and the medical approach to treatment.

  •  The role of nutrition and therapeutic diets for IBS.

  •  Understanding the Gut-Mind connection along with science-based behavioral therapies for IBS.

  • Discerning the role of pelvic floor dysfunction in IBS and key components of treatment.

  • There will be a variety of break-out sessions for smaller group discussion (including a patient co-lead session to provide tips on navigating IBS-C from a patient perspective).

  •  Lunch is included (gluten free and low FODMAP options) 

  • Each participant will receive a goodie bag full of gut-friendly items + swag! 

Join us for this event at the Thayer Homestead 2B Oak Street in Medway, MA (40 minutes west of Boston, MA) on September 20, 2024 at 9:00 AM-2:30 PM. 

A big thanks to our platinum sponsor, Ardelyx and our silver sponsor, Schar.

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